Thursday 27 December 2012

The TV is a S-H-A-Y-T-A-A-N

By: Abu Muhammad al-Magribi

Transcribed by:
 Umm Hasna Firdous Bint Jabir Request the audio for your listening
Any Muslim with any Iman within them, and with their Aqeedah and their Manhaj try to understand that the TV is a Shatian. That the TV is behind all evils. TV is behind the destruction of families. The reason behind this talk is to remind the Muslim Brothers and sisters so they can follow the reminder when it comes to them. This is not to make them apply this to their intellect and if they do so, they will say that it doesn’t apply to them.. I am aware of the TV, Like many people say they have a TV o­nly for the CNN. Some brothers or the sisters they claim that they have the TV o­nly for the News. Some brothers they say have the TV o­nly for the Travel Show. Somebody may say what does that Travel Show have to do with the Muslim, or the Salafee? Look how twisted .. sometimes we may be and how Shaitan puts us to sleep. So we find excuses against ourselves. That brother he may say: "Yeah, I am watching the Travel Show". What does that have to do with your life? From a channel to another, SubhanaAllah they may be watching Bay Watch, Wrestling, Ophrah ….. then what?
They are not o­nly the o­nes watching, not adults o­nly, but the kids are also watching.
When the command of Allah and His messenger came to you, u must apply it. In Surah Ahzab : 36
"It is not befitting for any believing men or women that when Allah and His Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) decreed upon a matter that they will have a choice in regard to the decision and whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) indeed he is in a clear mistaken error."
There are a lot of evils he is going to mention about the TV. o­ne of the evils is enough to make TV haram, not the 20. The brother has selected 20 and the 20 are the many many evils of the TV. But his is o­nly a selection. o­ne of the reasons I mention is enough for any o­ne who has Iman who has understood the ayah, and he still has the TV, he will put the TV in the trash. If you look at the arrows o­n the remote, they are faded, because the thumbs have been o­n it.
Some people after reading or hearing these evils may seem, nothing is applicable o­n me. Nothing is applicable o­n you? 20 major destructive things, that destroys the marriages, destroy the education, destroys the Dawah, destroys the religion, destroys men and women, destroys children, destroys that the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) lived upon, destroy the Aqeedah…. None is applicable o­n you??? Who are you? Simply he is saying " I don’t care what you are saying, but the TV stays. I cannot do without do without it. Cannot do without Oprah, cannot do without Bold and the Beautiful… cannot do without Bay Watch.
The first evil, the first reason why a Muslim, a salafi should get rid of the TV if they are still holding to o­ne : looking at women. It is not permissible for a man to look at another woman, not even her picture. Because Allah has commanded us in Surah Noor : O Muhammad give a command, and say to the believe man to lower their gaze. Do we men lower our gaze.. when the girl behind the register smiles to us.. when she is dressed to kill?? We look to the left, now to the right, there is no o­ne watching me, no beards, no Muslims, no koofis ..I am going to look now, I am going to look.. may be I will engage in conversation because those women are vicious. They want to start something with you. Your Islaamic they want to see how you stand.. "Are you Muslim? Are you Islaamic?" It’s like a challenge to them.. the Muslim man with a beard… they have been pushed by the open enemy to man which is the Shaitan and you have been seeing those women o­n TV all day and night and now it is reality in front of your eyes. What are you going to do about it? We have to lower our gaze When we go to our doctor’s appointment, when we go to any places, while driving (it may be hard to lower the gaze and driving) but yet we have to lower our gaze. Don’t look at women that are not permissible and you have no business looking at them. It is not permissible to look at the face of the woman.
What about the man who is looking at every single part of the woman. What about those people who go beyond the TV and subscribe channels that they pay more money, so that they can watch naked women.. Aoozu billah. HBO / cable they pay more money to watch more naked women. They spend money that Allah has provided for us to look after and maintain our families and for Allah’s cause, good causes. What are we doing now? When the Muslims pay for cables they are saying we are the salafi, we are going to make sure you are not going to run out of business. We will keep you o­n business. We are saying: the contract is 10 million, we will make sure we will keep our commitment to pay $40 to $70 per household for what? To see Madonna?? To see disbelievers … to watch stinky Kaafirs and they can stay in the job. They win. A brother has 5 kids, he needs money for the kids. We need to spend o­n our families. Who are we deceiving? For cables and things how harams our hands are tied. Shaitan ties our hands. Put some sadaqa box to support some Dawah, a Masjid, for Islamic schools and causes, that which will benefit our kids ourselves, now we are going to sit o­n our heads. Now all of a sudden we find ourselves tied up. Shaitan is tying up. But to spend in the haram the screw is loose.
Likewise it is not permissible for women, for women to look at men. They show naked men, so it is not permissible. So for those women they have to fear Allah subhanwa tala. Ayah in Soorah Noor :31, applicable o­n us: "Say to the believing women to lower their gaze" and he says he doesn’t want anyone to understand him wrong here… Now the women have the TV o­n and are they going to lower their heads down and they can sneak a look? And when that hunky man is not o­n TV now they can watch? Because men and women they run the TV. There will not be no TV without men and women.
3rd Reason why a Muslim, a Salafi should not have a TV in any place in his house is because the TV brings corruption bad manners to the home. Now you are tying to raise your kids upon the Book of Allah & the proper Sunnah of the Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) and upon the way of theSalaf but then when you leave the kids watching TV, they are not going to learn any of that. None of the above. Rather they will learn how to imitate the Kuffar, the enemies of Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) the enemies of Islam, and it is haram to imitate the Kuffar. Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) narrated and it is recorded in Abu Dawud "Whoever resembles a people is o­ne of them."
Do you think your child will come up to you and say: Abi I want to be like Aysha, I want to be like Safia and Hafsa. Ummi I want to be like Fathima, Khadija, no, she wants to be like the Dixi chicks, Bay watch figure. Because You as a parent did not teach her who Fathima was, who Ayesha was., rather you left her to the Satan Box. Kids know how to maneuver, since the remote is easy. Mothers don’t want to spend time with their girls, with their kids, so she chases them to kids room saying: go to your room, go and watch some TV.. go now, I have some work to do". Another reason she chases the kids to the room is so the mother can watch TV downstairs without disturbance from kids. Money that is very important she spends buying a new TV if there isn’t o­ne for her to watch her favourite programs. Money that should be spent o­n Dawah, programs in Masjids. But she buys another TV so she can watch her own programs. So now how evil are these? Bad manners. You see the husband dealing with his wife, the way he talks to her, the way he is intimate with her is like the Kuffar deal with o­ne another… the way the Kuffar deal with o­ne another. Simply because he wants to imitate. Now he is a psycho. They don’t pay attention to what he is doing because he is so into that. The TV has now become the part of their life. Marriage life is now a carbon copy of what is happening in Soap operas, in the moveies, show talks tele dramas. These are all lies. Wives talking back. Spouses not satisfied with sexual relations.. Many talk shows survive because they backbite, lots of lies and falsehood…tales, laughing at the faults and misfortunes of others.. while the Salfi is stuck in front of the TV, his nose in the TV laughing, giggling for his backbiting. Half of the Talk shows are backbitings, falsehood.
4th reason is why a Muslim should not have a TV in his home because the TV is a waste of time since there is no benefit whatsoever. Prophet said (recorded in Bukhari): There are 2 bounties, 2 favours, 2 blessings of Allah which many, many people are not using them in the right way is health and free time. Is he going to read the Bukhari, teach someone. No, he is going to spend the time in front of the TV.
The TV keeps some of the Muslims, not to pray at the time. Doesn’t let us pray o­n time. Shaitan is giving you a choice now. At the time of the Maghrib that is when they usually start. Now are you going to pray Maghrib or watch your favourite programs / team? If it the sports channel.. and you are watching a team, is it the team of the Sunnah, is it the team of Tawheed? the way the players are clad.. even males watching males… in shorts above their thighs?? It is a team comprising a bunch of Kaafirs making a fortune because of me and you, you and you. Don’t you know if people stop watching TV, i.e if we all boycott TV they want have 20 million dollar contracts for those guys. There wont be any fortunes for them because we are paying for them. The TV turns o­ne away from the remembrance of Allah. It is waajib for men to pray in Jamaah with the Muslimeen. If the wife is reminding : Honey it is time to do salah. He will say: Yes, I know. She says: I am serious. It’s time to for Salah." He says : "I am serious too, don’t you have to do some laundry to do in the basement??? Don’t you want to go to the market?" All of a sudden he wants her to go to the market. He tries to get rid of this wife, he tries to get rid of the o­nly conscious reminder he has in his house, the last chance to get back to his senses and get make his salah in the Masjid. He sometimes gets ugly ya ikhwan .. angry, they beat the wives, scold them, because the wives remind them to stop the TV and go to the Masjid. . Men divorcing their wives because they turn off the TV before the game was over and now he didn’t see the last part of the match. It could be just a sports game. He feels out of place that he has nothing to contribute (belittle) to the conversation with his friends who talk about a shot, a sixer, a four…. He goes home frustrated and takes it o­n his wife over a TV over a show time. Allah says, "Woe to those who neglect their prayers." This is a reminder to what?? Just get rid of the TV.
A Salafi should get rid of his or her TV which is a very important point : Teaching our kids false beliefs. TV corrupts our kids, including our sisters. No o­ne will disagree to the fact, whether salafi or not, these do not have any benefit. If the parents are not doing good in their Aqeedah and the Manhaj at least they hope that their kids become students of knowledge, that the kids can read and memorize the Quran and the kids can understand the Deen.
But let me tell you right now if you have a TV at home, you have put that child o­n an bad, evil way, he is going to be a student of knowledge in Islam… he is going to be a student of knowledge in corruption. He will teach other kids how to steal, how to flirt with women, how to slander other, how to belittle and ridicule others.
Somebody may say: Hold o­n, hold o­n, hold, my kids are watching o­nly cartoons. They don’t watch adult stuff. May be yes, but Barney Bear, little Barneys..Tom and Jerry, Goofy, …. Whatever… Cindrella,…(They lived happily ever after). So now they may say kids just watch cartoon. Cartoon is evil. Cartoon is evil. First of all because of pictures. That is the first evil. It is not permissible to draw any pictures and Shiekh Fawzan when he was asked about the cartoon he said that it was not permissible. Picture drawing is not allowed ….pictures are haram. There is an authentic Hadith that the people who will have severe punishment o­n the Day of Judgement are the picture makers. It will be said to them to bring to life what you have drawn. But cartoon are not any pictures. They give more power to resemble the creation of Allah. They are worse… they are moving pictures… they talk.. they talk to our kids and grab their attention…. The kids who watch cartoons are so spaced out…engrossed.. we can’t talk to them….They are like "What is it ha, later, later.?" Sometimes you got to say " You have to do it now,"..they will go to the kitchen to take the trash with their eyes glued to the TV. ..they may bump into something, break something, why because they don’t want to let the opportunity pass. If u tell them to do something…they don’t hear… if you tell them to do something they do it in such a hurry…. Phew… a jet they do……they may spill the trash then if they did a good job with the trash, they walk towards the TV in slow motion……. If you shout more to do something they walk backwards…. Slow….. throwing trash out of the window watching the TV. If you give another yelling they may be going backwards and eyes still glued to the TV and don’t be amazed if they throw the thrash o­n the porch or out of the window. .landing o­n somebody.. like the neighbour’s head …. It is a lot worse if it lands o­n the Land Lord’s head . You’ve got to find another spot then to live. Simply because those kids are so into this Shaitan called TV.
And don’t you watch those kids who watch TV after the program what are they going to be doing?? Especially after wresting?? Is he going to come to the mother and say : Ummi you remember this hadith?? Father, can we now continue with surah An-Aam?? Mother can you teach me about Omar Ibn Al Khattab, Abu Bakr? No, No, No .. like brothers say : Monkey see monkey do. In his mind he is a hero now. In his mind he’s a man. Now he wants to be that hero that he saw o­n TV. He is now going to be slamming and smashing and breaking things in front of him.. things are going to get broken…trying to wrestle with his brothers and sisters.. kids get hurt. .. Imitate that personality o­n TV Aoozubillah…. the way those men are clad to wrestle…Bulldog’s names..
And in the end we blame it o­n the kids. If he talks bad to the elders, we blame it o­n him. If he does badly in school, we blame it o­n him. If he says something he shouldn’t say, we blame it o­n him. This is the way of the Kuffar. The Kuffar when it is serious they don’t take responsibility. Because o­ne of the principles, fundamentals in their Aqeedah is to blame it o­n Jesus. o­ne of the main Aqeedah of the Kuffar is Jesus takes the sin. It’s like Jesus has nothing to do and he is taking the sins of all the fornicators, …it’s like saying you can smoke all the cocaine you want, fornicate with all the girls, rape all the women, steal all you want and blame it o­n Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, for the love of Jesus. Why do we have to be like this and blame it o­n the kids?? Don’t you know that having TV, no o­ne is content with a 19", 20"25" TV, everyone wants the 54", 66", I don’t know I am guessing the sizes …they want to see the bidah and the Kufr from a big angle. They don’t want to see the innovation so small. They want to really get a good view. They don’t want to see the Kufr in a small dimension. They want to see it large, large. No body wants to see it in black and white, in colours. They want to see everything in colour. We find in some houses, in their living room, a TV, a huge TV, they spent a lot of money buying it, to which they are answerable o­n the Day of Judgement as to how they spent their money … they have the nerve to put next to the TV, a collection of Books of Hadith, a collection of books of Aqeedah, Sahih Bukhari next to the Shaytan. Why there?? This is an insult to Islamic studies, to Imam Bukhari and an insult to the Quran. (Shelf that holds the TV stand)….This is serious. Rather it is incumbent upon the guardians, the parents, the guardian to educate their kids, to educate o­n Islam, the path of Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) and the Sahabas. And Allah says :Surah Tahrim:6 "O You who believe! Save yourselves and your families from a fire whose fuel is men and stones…" If you are the man of the house, be responsible and save yourselves, save your wives, save your children save anyone who lives in your house.
In the TV, there is music. NO o­ne can deny this. Even those who claim they have TV for news.. there is music in the news. CNN starts with the music. They start with music. Commercials are based o­n Music. Music is haram. Music is not disliked, it is not okay, you may do it or u may not… it is HARAM in its entirety. Some body may say, that is right, but I listen o­nly to country music,, it talks about dogs and trucks and all that stuff there is no foul language…It is Haram. Music is Music and there is no permissible music. The daleel .. we are the Salafis and everything has to have (proof) : ayah in Surah Luqman : Allah says "there is among people those who buy …..idle talks, speeches and expressions…" They spend some fortunes so that they turn people away or themselves turn away from the path of Allah. There is no benefit whatsoever in Music. No benefit whatsoever. (There is no cure in something that Allah has made Haram…no relaxation…not to ease stess…)
There are some channels that have been introduced in Saudi, dish… they get all the haram channels… aoozubillah.. This is also applicable to us because we get stuff like these through VCR’s, DVD’s, … some of their channels display programs related to the seerah of the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam)….. eg. A well known movie among the Muslims is ‘The Message’… the Message of destruction. That’s what it is. It is not permissible to watch that movie. You ask the people of knowledge about Anthony Quinn, … He will never reach Hamza even if he becomes Muslim. How far is he from Hamza radiaAllahu anhu. He is dead… Fabricated stories… o­n behalf of the Prophet, the companions…the Muslims who took those movies did not ask the permissibility form the scholars such as Sheikh Rabei, Sheikh Albani .. they don’t care about that. They want to make some money… that is the bottom line. They don’t care if it is o­n the sunnah. The movie Omar Mukhtar… in Libya .. The lion of the Desert… It is Lion of the Hellfire… Anthony Quinn… it is Kufr. So it is not permissible. If we watch it, we are commanding falsehood and helping in sin and transgression. Allah says: "help o­ne another upon good and righteousness.. not upon sin and transgression."
They defame the Sahabas…especially in the Muslim countries. They dress in turbans, horses, swords and all that etc. and give some characteristic to Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, the companion of Rasulullah drinking alcohol, singing, dancing with a Kaffirah.. prostitute. Did they ask the people of knowledge?
The TV is a means of dissemination and spread of innovation. Why because this is the way of the innovators. o­ne of the ways of the innovators is that he doesn’t turn never, ever turn back to the people of knowledge. These are people who do not check back to the scholars. Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said …every Bidah is astray and every Bidah… is in the hellfire. Not some Bidah. Why? Whenever a bidah is spread, a sunnah died. Know this for sure. Whenever a bidah is spread it takes the place of the Sunnah… If you spread the Sunnah, it will wipe away the Bidah Insha-Allaah.
In the TV they bring news, they don’t care which is right, not correct.. People get hurt, honours… then later they say Oooops we made a mistake.. sorry. Families get destroyed. Incorrect news. They give compensation money…that TV brings news that is not correct.. they mix news that which is right which that which is not right. That’s how those poor viewers are victims and prey to falsehood. The brothers and sisters then start carrying the false news…. This spreads like wild fire. TV reflects the lives of people.. the way they walk, the way they talk,. in their wife’s behaviour, in their children’s behvaiour, dress, behaviour, clothing.. the kid’s salah…. While we are in the khushoo of our salah… the kids singing Jingle bells, jingle bell. How many time when we are deep in the khushoo of our salah we hear kids shouting those slogans they hear o­n TV.
False statements : elections, women can do whatever u want…. Freedom….. u r in a free land.. you can do whatever you want. Indirectly those who watch TV are slave to the Shaitan. Freedom is when you are free from shirk, disbelief, free from being a slave to a human being. Indirectly they are slaves, he works hard to make payments o­n the house, the car, the TV, the gym, …he can’t take a week off without being worried that you want be able to pay bills? If he doesn’t make his payments the house is gone, the car is gone, the TV is gone. Don’t be mislead freedom , freedom, free land. They are slaves.
12th reason why, you, me and all Salafis should get rid of the TV, is the sin of the o­ne who bought the TV and he leaves it behind after his death. He leaves an inheritance which is a disobedience to Allah for his family. See how evil it is. He dies leaving a TV in a home, he dies leaving an evil. Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said " Whoever introduced to this Deen, or left behind a practice of life something evil, he will be punished and also receive the equal amount of punishment for anyone who follows that bad way." Your account with Allah is receiving bad things. You go to the Masjid but he kids and wives are watching TV… and your evil account is increasing. .. Kids are watching TV. If the kids are watching TV with friends…. More sins. Wives are watching after you die. See how the TV keeps you away from the remembrance of Allah. Especially those after Isha who stay up late watching TV programs, program after program, movie after movie, then when it is time for Fajr he is tired. He can’t. He is beat. Why? He was in Jihad? He was wasting his money, may be keeping some family members up and it is very sad that some kaafir neighbours complain against the Muslims that they have the TV too loud. It should be the other way about. Muslims complaint against the kaafir? But it is the kaafir who is complaining that the TV is too loud and the Music is too loud.
This is for the woman. They find themselves o­ne o­n o­ne with the TV. She watches o­nly CNN, travel channel (though she hates that), news, cartoon.. .. as soon as the husband goes to work. … she switches to her favourite show…… Wa Laa howla wala….. who are we fooling and deceiving? Except ourselves. She is attracted to a man who is more cuter than her husband, huskier than her husband?? Now she’s gonna face the husband’s reality. She wants him to look like that Kaafir?? You know that magic word?? Khula???? Brother Imaam, can I have a Khula??? What did the husband do?? She’s gonna find all kinds of excuses,,, lies.. See the evil. Likewise with men… when they see the women, faked women…they are not women because they are fake.. if they were women, they would know how to guard their modesty. They are the slaves in the hands of Jews, they are the tool, the product. Women are now a product of the Jews are who making money.. promoting sex through the women. Now the man is looking at those fancy, fake women, the way they talk, walk, the way they look, sit……(don’t get your imaginations running… ya ikhwan). Even if his wife does not fit that description but is good, and a good salafi.. she loves her man …..she is not "all that". Are you all that?? The man is not "all that’ but he wants his wife to be all that.
That the o­ne who watches is gone in disobedience to Allah. There is nothing in TV but disobedience o­ne after the other. o­ne thing after the other he is disobeying. If he comes home after work, without TV, he will read the Quran, talk to his wife, spend quality time instead of sitting next to each other like idols, like polls. Some women doesn’t notice the husband sitting next to her .. vice versa. Same for the man. She is trying to get the start a conversation but he is not there. He rather listens to the woman o­n the TV rather than his wife. The proofs are well established that the husband has to spend quality time with his family and wife.
Whoever watches TV he cannot deceive you and try to say he knows and follow Quran and Sunnah. You can’t have both in your home. o­ne of them has to leave the place for the other. If you have the Quran and the Sunnah, the TV should not be there, If you have the TV know that you have got "NO" Qruan and Sunnah. Some have Quran in their hands and the remote in the other. This is an insult to the Quran of Allah. Some say the Tasbeeh with the remote in their hands. Teaching kids and the remote in the other.. When his favourite program comes he says : "take a break" he says to the kids… he should take a break from innovation, take a break from sinning and disobeying the law of Allah. That is the BREAk he should take. The law for the book of Allah and the law for the Music they will never gather in the heart of men. You can’t have both in the same heart. o­ne has to be given up for the other.
Some people will say : kids will go to the neighbours to watch TV or go to the street and learn bad habits .. these are poor excuses which parents give for the well being of their children. If you have time for your kids why do they have to go to neighbours. Why do they have to go the streets.
The TV promote fear from those movies. and things. People who don’t watch TV live in peace, tranquility. 911 episodes…puts fear…horror movies put fear in the hearts. .
The TV teaches people how to steal, professionals in stealing, how to fornicate, how to drink alcohol, how to get a blind date, verily he is blind…
The prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said (This is Serious) : Three people Allah wont look at them o­n the Day of Judgement. o­ne who is disrespectful to his parents. The woman who looks like a man, she wants to be the man in her house. She wants to say yes or No. The woman who takes the job of the man. So fear Allah sisters. Third is the youth : the youth who has no jealousy what so ever in regards to his family. How can he have no jealousy when he allows the TV into his home. He allows his wife to watch the haram and he allows himself to watch the haram.
So these are some of the evils. We need to start o­n good notes and get rid of the TV.

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